Basically we are Hungarian kids being lead by Hungarian leaders. We plan activities together and have fun while furthering our knowledge of Hungary, the Hungarian language, and practical scouting skills. We are more of a Hungarian youth group than a traditional Boy or Girl Scout Troop. The boys and the girls are broken up into separate troops, 8 and 49. Troop 8 are boys and 49 the girls. We frequently hold meetings and go camping together. We have quite a few members in our Los Angeles Troop. However, there are Hungarian scout troops all over the world. Other Hungarian Scout Pages On The Web:
- Hollywood, California - Troop 17
- San Francisco, California - Troop 77/43
- Cleveland, Ohio - Troop 14
- Zürich, Switzerland - Troop 62/78
- Heidelberg, Germany - Troop 87
- Hungarian Scout Association in Exteris
Pages By Hungarian Scouts:
Each Troop has it's own history. Be sure to read them if you are interested.
- The History of Hungarian Scout Troop 8, Júliánusz Barát
AND- The History of Hungarian Scout Troop 49, Árpádházi Boldog Erzsébet
Become a Part of Cserkeszek Online!
Your troop can also become a part of our web page here. If you'd like us to provide a link to your troop's web page just Contact Us and give us your troop's name, number and some information.
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